E011 FET repair prologue.
1. the arrival of the 858D Hot Air Station
2. my purchase of solder paste yesterday
3. a few practice runs...
This is a fun and skill / mind expanding project but lets look at the short term economy:
Hot air Station: $23.99
Solder Paste: $11
A6SHB FETS: $1.99 (50)
Total Expense=$36.98
Repair Value: $25.98
Total expense $36.98
= $-11.00
Not too bad I guess! I got wicked lucky with the 858D... So cheap. I suppose I am going to find plenty of reasons to use this thing in the future so I will get my $11 eventually :)
all I need now are the new FETs and I can give it a try. I will practice more, clean up the old boards, remove the motor plugs and get them ready for the repair.
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