Notfastenuf's PIDS for Boss7/Beecore v2 BETAFLIGHT= AMAZING

NFE posted some PIDS for Quad Jake for running Boss7/46mm props in BF....
I asked him last night what he thinks about tuning for stock props. He said try the 46mm tune with 1/2 of the D terms. (The D term in the 46mm tune is like 120!)
So I did:
110 75 60
115 75 70
105 75
The I and D terms are higher than I have ever seen before but are working SO WELL.The quad does EXACTLY what it's told now, no looseness or pendulum effect, just tight, wicked FAST and no hot motors!!!!

The PIDS in Silverware are shown in scientific notation. I just haven't gotten my head around them yet, but when I do I suspect that I will find similarly high PIDS there. I just love the snappy, precise nature of these tunes.


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