Now what the F*¢k? Back to Beecore v2

So if I fix the FETS on the E011. It flies like the Champ for about 3 days. Then it starts acting funny, so I change out a motor. Then it starts not being able to fly at all in Acro tilting itself at 90 degrees at any stick input. I reflash the firmware I checked the motors again.

THEN I said fuck it and decided to put the B core V2  on there. I'm almost done. 
I want the PID tuning, I want the range, I want the OCD, I want the air mode, I want the Horizon mode, I want it all. So... new pigtail from scratch, VTX solder/foam, Betaflight flash/Setup.
From what the lights indicate, it binds, but it does not show any stick or AUX movement in BF.
Must be the UART setup.
Dont know. Its 2:30AM and I am beered up. Done. Wasted this whole day on quads.
Did not fly at all after dinner. But...


....BUT.... I flew and crashed this humdinger (BOSS7 below) all over the place and tuned. like a MF. Tried higher super and expo after watching a botgrinder video. What he said was enlightening but not really working for the boss.... The key for me is playing with the expo/super. Its becoming less witchcrafty and more 'just finicky'. I guess this headway in understanding basic tuning was so satysfying that it contributed to my decision to chose the Bcore2 for the whoop fix instead of setting up and flashing another E011. I love the E011 of course but it has a range issue, and the inability to tune PIDS in OSD is not an issue for me, it certainly is a bit alluring to the tweaker in me and that is exactly where I am at in my piloting education at the moment... tuning.

I gotta score or fabricate a better antenna for the DEVO/module or I am probably gonna start phasing these E011's out for anything but inside.

....and speaking of outside...

I flew this in the upstairs FPV today with the new turnigy batteries. The minute the rain stops I swear I am busting out wherever the fuck... Which reminds me of the other project I was gonna get going...
DVR on the EV100. Its long overdue, and if I am gonna live large I might as well record it.

I hadn't saved each page as I went along in BF so that was the prob. Now fully airborne with modes set and OSD. Quite loose sticks, but ready to roll! 


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