I worked on the t3pas for a while today. I took apart the break potentiometer and cleaned it and got a lot of Gunk off it I plugged it back in I played for about 30 min, and the brakes dropped out again. 
I got an order in for a pickup at micro center and proceeded to go over there and pick up the new set. 

When I got back to the house and started to take the old pedals off I noticed that the phone jack into the wheelbase was hanging out a little bit. I open the thrustmaster control panel where input is shown on screen graphically and I played with the position of the plug. If I only pulled it out a slight amount the gas and the clutch would continue to be read by the software but not the break if I push this thing back in the break was back. 

It was merely a matter of the f****** Jack sliding out! The thing works fine.

But what the hell am I going to do I'm going to keep these f****** pedals I want at least going to try them.


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