
Been getting the real fuck around from the whoops lately...
First, I am getting 1:30 flights, so I smell a rat and decide to make an awesome pigtail.
Simple right? Its fucking microscopic little teeny tiny bits of fiddly, bendy metal that needs to be soldered JUST SO, so that the little pins will have any chance of going into the plastic plugs.
It took a fucking long time to make a good one...
I install the fiddly little motherfucker and it flies STRONG. I was right about the fucking pigtail...
But now the video is going out. I have to add extentions to the video wires and I twist & solder them to the power leads BEFORE soldering to the FC... great. Strong connection.
I fiddle with that and see that the RX antenna on the FC has fallen off.
The video problem presents only when tweaked in bizzare angles... I decide to tie off the OSD wires..
In the process of doing that, One of the OSD wires breaks off at the camera.
Holy hell. I can use the cam I was gonna use for the BETAFPV and maybe salvage the cam by scraping down the glue on the cam and bridging the OSD wires right there.
What a fucking pain in the ass!  VIVA FPV.


tried to bridge terminals on the cam, tunes in, but wonky with any vibration. Dead.

Fucks sake, can't catch a break... been fucking with this shit for like 24 hours.

Ok, gonna install other cam and hopefully rip a few... not much wind out here... fuck.

The car 


packed the FPV bag/oblong boss and moved the car. Theres no wind, but lots of traffic and I feel a little too high so I just went for beers, came back to the lab and put the other camera on the Bcore2 whoop sans OSD since the leads were tied of and I could give a fuck. Time to fly it.


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